As women transition through the menopause, their oestrogen levels decrease but their testosterone levels can remain consistent.
This change of balance in female and male hormone levels can cause some women to experience minor male characteristics such as thicker facial hair which is coarser than normal.
A recent study found that women spent on average over 104 minutes per week tackling and maintaining stubborn facial hair.
It also revealed that 40 % of these women suffered with higher levels of anxiety and depression, resulting in them feeling uncomfortable and anxious in social situations.

Reducing stress and body mass can help reduce this symptom, but temporary solutions include waxing, threading, sugaring or epilating, which will remove the hair from the follicle, but the hairs will grow back after a few weeks.
Laser hair removal treatment (IPL) will provide permanent hair removal but this can prove expensive and time consuming.

In extreme cases, your GP may provide topical cream which will slow the growth and coarseness of the hairs and HRT can reduce facial hair growth.
Avoid shaving the hairs as this will cause them to grow back thicker and coarser.
Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise can help reduce facial hair and eating a diet high in phytoestrogens can help in increase your natural oestrogen levels over time.
⁉️ Have you suffered with increased facial hair through your menopause?
‼️ Has this affected your confidence and self esteem?
If so I can help, please do get in touch and book in your free consultation call with me today to discuss how I can help!
🌍 www.themenopausementor. com
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