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Organisation=Self Care

🪷 ORGANISATION = SELF CARE…the tools and tips on how to create more balance for you and your life. It’s very hard as women to put...


🪷 FROZEN SHOULDER Many of the ladies I have worked with over the years, have encountered something none of them even thought was a...

Should I use HRT?

🪷 SHOULD I USE HRT? Here’s one of my MOST ASKED MENOPAUSE QUESTIONS! Many of my patients fall in to one of two categories; those keen to...


🪷 WHY IT’S TIME TO DITCH THE SCALES And why measuring your body is the best way to monitor your progress for menopause inch loss instead...

Facial Hair & Menopause

🪷 FACIAL HAIR AND MENOPAUSE As women transition through the menopause, their oestrogen levels decrease but their testosterone levels can...

Breast Pain & Tenderness

🪷 SORE & TENDER BREASTS THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE Quick question, How are your boobs today?! Too much? Did I go too far? Sorry, as you know,...

Changes in Body Odour

🪷 NATURAL BODY ODOUR CHANGES THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE Have you found that your natural scent has changed? Are you suffering more frequently...

Menopause & mental health

🪷 HOW THE MENOPAUSE CAN AFFECT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Hormonal changes which occur through the menopause can create a range of mental health...


🪷 MENOPAUSE IN THE WORKPLACE Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the work place and with 3 in 4 women experiencing...


🪷 BRAIN FOG Yes, we all know this feeling too well; Walk in to a room and think, why did I…..sorry, hang on, what was it, what did I...


🪷 IMPOSTER SYNDROME What is Imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a psychological condition that many menopausal women experience, and...

Menopause Aches & Pains

🪷 MENOPAUSAL ACHING JOINTS AND PAINS One common symptom of the menopause is joint pain and along with many other menopausal symptoms,...

The Menopause Explained

THE MENOPAUSE EXPLAINED The menopause is when a woman is no longer able to conceive and her body has ceased menstruating. The average...

Loss of Libido

🪷 LOSS OF LIBIDO THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE Low libido during menopause is very common, but can impact in your relationship. Menopausal and...

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