Have you found that your natural
scent has changed?
Are you suffering more frequently with body odour?
As women pass through the menopause, oestrogen levels drop, and testosterone becomes more prominent than before.
Body odour occurs when bacteria is attracted to sweat, which causes and increase in smell

Add to this the increase in sweat and hot flushes, you may find that you smell more potent than you have in the past.
This is completely normal, but can be embarrassing or worrying for many women, and with 4 in 5 women suffering with changes in body odour, it is one of the most common symptoms.
Here are my top tips to avoiding the dreaded armpit odour.
🩷 Maintain a good hygiene routine and shower regularly using a natural and gentle body wash (avoid your vaginal area)

🩷 Use a natural deodorant/antiperspirant (such as a mineral stick which won’t clog your pores under your arms)
🩷 Wear natural fibres such as cotton, bamboo or silk which allows your skin to breath
🩷 Stay well hydrated as the more hydrated you are the clearer your sweat will be (similar to your pee)

🩷 Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help as when our bodies carry increased body fat, it tends to feel the heat more, so stay as active as possible

🩷 Reduce high fat, high sugar foods, take aways and alcohol. All of these will increase the odour as create a more acid environment in your body. By following a healthy diet, your pH levels will stay more balanced between acid and alkaline
🩷 Natural supplements can help, such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and a good probiotic, all of which can help reduce body odour
🩷 In extreme cases, HRT can help or your GP may provide you with prescription antiperspirant
But changes in hormones can also affect your sense of smell, so it could be that it’s not you that has a heightened level of odour but your nose being more sensitive!
‼️ Have you suffered with a change in body odour?
⁉️ Do you feel concerned or embarrassed by excessive sweating and body odour?
If so I can help, please do get in touch and book in your free consultation call with me today to discuss how I can help!
🌍 www.themenopausementor. com
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📞 Call me via WhatsApp
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#menopause #perimenopause #menopausesymptoms #deodorant #hormones #menopauseproblems #menopausesupport #bodyodour