If tomorrow, you were visited, by a a being from another planet, another universe, possibly even a female of their species, how would you explain the menopause to them?
How would you describe your menopause journey to them in a way they would understand?
I know from speaking to many of my patients, that they felt ‘alien’ when they first began experiencing menopausal symptoms, they didn’t feel like themselves and they didn’t understand themselves in their new and changing form.
Many women feel alienated during the menopause, misunderstood by their families and work colleagues, alone and lost.
So if tomorrow you were visited by a being from another world, how would you explain the menopause to them?
How would you express your feelings, how would you describe your journey and what would you tell them you have learnt along the way?
Because, in truth, we are not alone.
Not just in the universe, but through our lives and especially on our menopausal journeys
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